Cyber security IT engineer working on protecting network against cyberattack from hackers on internet. Secure access for online privacy and personal data protection.
We manage servers running Linux Operating systems like CentOS, Red Hat, Ubuntu, Debian. We install and administer Linux software and Linux services, such as (but not limited to):
- Server Web: Apache HTTP server, Apache Tomcat, Nginx;
- Server email: Postfix, Qmail, Sendmail;
- Collaboration Software (email, calendar, contacts) Zimbra;
- Routing, DHCP, DNS and Internet monitoring server;
- MySQL database server, MariaDB;
- Active firewall server;
- Samba fileserver (network file sharing);
- FTP server;
- Service with network functions: DNS, DHCP;
- Remote Connection Server: VPN;
- Hosting Interfaces: Cpanel, Plesk, ISPConfig;
- Apps like Heritrix, Wayback Machine, Apache SOLR;
- Installation and renewal of SSL Certificates;
We also install / manage Linux applications such as: Jenkins, SonarQube: Continuous Code Quality, Jira | Issue & Project Tracking Software , iptables, CalDAV & CardDAV, CalmAV, ESET AV, Rsync, Bacula | Open Source Backup, Enterprise ready, Network Backup Tool , BackupPC: Open Source Backup to disk, Dell Openmanage, BIND Open Source DNS Server , OpenVPN - Open Source VPN, etc.
Unlocking the Power of Linux: A Glimpse into Linux Server Administration
Linux server administration stands as the backbone of robust IT infrastructures, offering unparalleled flexibility, security, and efficiency. As the heartbeat of many online ventures, understanding the intricacies of Linux server administration is a key proficiency for IT professionals.
1. Stability and Reliability: Linux servers are renowned for their stability and reliability. They boast a rock-solid foundation that is well-suited for handling critical tasks, ensuring minimal downtime and consistent performance.
2. Open Source Advantage: One of the major strengths of Linux lies in its open-source nature. This not only means freedom from licensing costs but also empowers administrators to customize and optimize the system to meet specific organizational needs.
3. Security Fortification: Security is at the forefront of Linux server administration. The system's inherent security features, coupled with timely updates and a robust user permission model, create a formidable defense against cyber threats.
4. Command-Line Mastery: Linux administration often involves proficiency in the command line. Administrators leverage powerful command-line tools to perform tasks efficiently, script automation processes, and troubleshoot with precision.
5. Package Management Excellence: Linux distributions come equipped with sophisticated package management systems, streamlining the installation, update, and removal of software. This not only enhances efficiency but also ensures a consistent and secure software environment.
6. Scalability and Performance: Linux excels in scalability, making it an ideal choice for environments experiencing growth. Whether managing a small business server or a large-scale enterprise infrastructure, Linux adapts seamlessly to varying workloads.
7. Community Support: The vibrant Linux community provides an invaluable resource for administrators. Troubleshooting, sharing insights, and collaborating on solutions are integral aspects of Linux server administration, fostering a collaborative and supportive environment.
In conclusion, Linux server administration is a dynamic and empowering realm within the IT landscape. Mastering the art of Linux administration opens doors to unparalleled control, security, and efficiency, making it an indispensable skill for those navigating the complexities of modern server environments.
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